Call For Papers/征稿主题

Call For Papers/征稿主题

Ⅰ.智能建筑  Intelligent Building

1. 建筑设计系统1). Architectural design system
2. 建筑综合布线系统2). Building integrated wiring system
3. 建筑弱电工程设计3). Building weak current engineering design
4. 建筑设备运维编码4). Construction equipment operation and maintenance code
5. 机电工程的应用5). Application of mechanical and electrical engineering
6. 电气安装工程的应用6). Application of electrical installation engineering
7. 筑楼宇自动化系统7). Building automation system
8. 建筑智能装置(采光、排气、风暖制冷等)8). Building intelligent devices (lighting, exhaust, wind heating and cooling,   etc.)
9. 物联网在智能建筑的应用9). The application of Internet of things in smart buildings
10. 智能识别技术10). Intelligent identification technology
11. 智能建筑材料11). Smart building materials

Ⅱ. 智慧交通 Smart Transportation

1. 交通信息服务系统1). Traffic information service system
2. 公共交通管理2). Public transport management
3. 车辆控制系统3). Vehicle control system
4. 港口、水路、内陆航运和船舶交通管理4). Port, waterway, inland shipping and ship traffic management
5. 空中、公路和铁路交通管理5). Air, road and rail traffic management
6. 电子收费系统6). Electronic toll collection system
7. 交通网络建模、仿真和优化的创新概念7). Innovative concepts for modelling, simulation and optimization of   transportation
8. 交通智能化技术8). Intelligent traffic technology
9. 交通管制和信息技术9). Intelligent traffic
10. 城市公共交通规划管理和高速铁路规划、建设、运营组织10). Urban public transportation planning and management, high-speed railway   planning,  construction and operation organization
11. 交通基础设施(路面、桥梁)11). Transportation Infrastructure (Pavement, Bridge)
12. 智慧物流(大数据监控、智能交互、运输系统)12). Smart logistics (big data monitoring, intelligent interaction, transportation   system)

Ⅲ. 智慧水利 Smart Hydraulic

1. 智慧水利信息化1). Intelligent   water conservancy informatization
2. 智慧水利生态工程2). Intelligent water conservancy ecological project
3. 水系统软件开发与平台建设3). Water system software development and platform construction
4. 水利遥感监测与监测评估4). Remote sensing monitoring and evaluation of water resources
5. 水污染、水生态遥感监测与监测评估5). Remote sensing monitoring and evaluation of water pollution and water ecology
6. 水利大数据6). Water conservancy big data
7. 河湖长制智能管理系统7). River and lake chief system intelligent management system
8. 新型智能装备在智慧水利中的应用(无人机、无人船)8). Application of new intelligent equipment in intelligent water conservancy   (uavs, unmanned ship)
9. 智慧灌溉技术9). Intelligent irrigation technology
10. 物联网在智慧水利的应用10). The application of Internet of things in intelligent water conservancy

Ⅳ. 智慧电网 Smart Grid

1. 智能传感器和高级计量基础设施1). Smart sensors and advanced metering infrastructure
2. 电力和能源系统应用(发电、输电、配电)2). Power and energy system applications (generation, transmission, distribution)
3. 智能电网对分布式能源的应用3). Impact of smart grid on distributed energy resources
4. 能源管理系统(适用于智能建筑和家庭自动化)4). Energy management systems (with applications to smart buildings and home   automation)
5. 能源系统中的广域保护,通信和控制5). Wide area protection, communication, and control in energy systems
6. 网络安全系统(智能监控和停电管理)6). Cyber security systems(intelligent monitoring and outage management)
7. 智能电网互操作性和标准7). Smart grid interoperability and standards
8. 关键的基础架构弹性(自然灾害、地磁扰动等)8). Critical infrastructure resiliency(natural disasters, geomagnetic   disturbances, etc.)
9. 智能微电网技术9). Smart microgrids technology

Ⅴ. 卫星技术的应用 Application of satellite technology

1. 卫星通信技术1). Satellite   communication technology
2. 卫星广播技术2). Satellite broadcasting technology
3. 卫星导航定位技术3). Satellite navigation and positioning technology
4. 卫星遥感技术4). Satellite remote sensing technology

Ⅵ. 遥感技术 Remote Sensing Technology

1. 高光谱影像处理1). Hyperspectral image processing
2. 微波遥感2). Microwave remote sensing
3. 行星遥感与测图3). Remote sensing and mapping of planets
4. 遥感数据监测(大气、光电、海洋)4). Remote sensing data monitoring (atmosphere, optoelectronics, ocean)
5. 农业与自然生态系统建模与监测5). Agricultural and natural ecosystem modeling and monitoring
6. 卫星遥感技术在公路交通领域的应用6). Application of satellite remote sensing technology in highway traffic field
7. 遥感平台与传感器系统 7). Remote sensing platform and sensor system
8. 基于遥感技术的水环境监测可视化系统研究8). Research on water environment monitoring visualization system based on remote   sensing technology
9. 遥感数据融合及其可视化9). Remote sensing data fusion and visualization
10. 可视化遥感影像库系统设计与实现10). Design and realization of visual remote sensing image database system
11. 遥感通讯技术11). Remote sensing communication technology